Christine Morgan

Category of Governor: Parent

Appointing Body: Nominated by parents

Appointed: 28/07/2021

Current Term of Office: 



Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests 

 none declared

Committees currently serving on:

Personnel Pay Staff Appointment & Dismissal Committee

Headteachers Performance Management

Positions of responsibility:

Vice Chair Personnel Pay staff Appointment & Dismissal Committee

Link Geography Governor 

Link ETFS Governor 

Personal Statement

I am a parent of two children who have attended St Bridget’s.
My background is in Public Relations providing transferable skills in communications, creative thinking, ambassador building, people leadership and financial management.  

Education is an interest to me -  preceding my career in PR, I spent 3 years teaching English in the Junior High School’s of Okazaki City, Japan and more recently I volunteered at St Bridget’s as a library helper and reading assistant as well as worked alongside other parent volunteers to build the school vegetable garden.

I am keen and willing to play a part in supporting St Bridget’s Leadership Team to help develop confident, happy, inquisitive children who are encouraged to discover their talents and skills and maximise their potential as they progress through and beyond the school.