Year 4

 Year 4 Curriculum Overview (Summer Term)


In the Summer Term, we are looking at the comparison of the Maya civilisation and the Anglo-Saxons, with regard to their leadership, settlements and general societies. 


Our work in Literacy stems from Rain Player, a book about a brilliant pok-a-tok player, in the first half-term, and from our local area work in the second. To further our understanding of our surroundings, we are focusing on our local habitats in Science and learning how to conserve the area for future generations. 


Within Art, recycling and sculptures will inspire our final creations whilst we explore and adapt recipes in DT. Music will be led by Musical Minds, who are teaching the children to play the Ukulele and to use their musical skills to become an ensemble. 


Our class reader for the term will be Toys Go Out by Emily Jenkins.