Welcome to St Bridget's C of E Primary School
School Vision Statement
Inspiring, nurturing and educating our children to serve God by reaching their full potential, serving our local community and by looking after our environment as global citizens of today and tomorrow.
School Mission Statement
'Love your neighbour as yourself.'
Luke 10:27
Dear Parents/Carers,
Well the start of the term was certainly challenging. The snow stopped food deliveries for a day (thank you for providing packed lunches at short notice), one of the classes had a leaky roof, the gas central heating became very temperamental and the electrical heating overloaded some circuits causing a temporary power cut in parts of the school. We did our very best to keep school open, but we were defeated on Thursday night when the heating stopped altogether. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
In assembly today, we celebrated and said well done to both our u9 and u11 chess teams who won their recent matches held at Ladymount School last weekend. They are now through to the semi-final of the National Competition which will be held in Nottingham. We also admired work completed in the art club who have produced some beautiful Christmas art on silk.
Academy Consultation and Update
A separate sign up email was sent out to all parents to invite you to attend a meeting on Monday 27th January at 6pm, about the academy process and our potential options. If you are keen to attend but have not responded please contact the school office so that I can arrange sufficient seating in the school hall. After this meeting I will share the PowerPoint on the website for all parents to view.
Staffing update
Last week we said goodbye to one of our teaching assistants Mrs Coughlin who has worked in our school for over 15 years. We thanked her for care and service to the children of St. Bridget’s. She is taking up a new post in the police. We are fortunate that Mr Biggins has returned to work at St. Bridget’s and will be covering her duties.
My thanks to all of the parents (many new parents) who attended the PTA meeting earlier this week. It was a really productive meeting and we appreciate their support as we enter our Bi-Centennial year. All parents warmly welcomed to join in the work of the PTA.
Upcoming dates
Parents Evening
Week beginning 24th March – sign up will be sent out two weeks before
Parent Book Look - Tuesday 1st April 3.30-4.30pm (Parents able to come in to school to see pupils’ work)
Sports Days
Tuesday 3rd June Year 5/6 at 1.30pm
Wednesday 4th June Year 1 and 2 at 1.30pm
Thursday 5th June Year 3 and 4 at 1.30pm
Friday 6th June Reception at 1.30pm
Polite reminders:
We are limiting access to the school grounds at busy times in the morning to only parents who have disabled badges. I would ask that all other parents do not park outside of the school gates during these times unless there is an emergency.
Reverend Alex has asked us to remind children not to walk or climb on grave stones in the churchyard. The whole area is checked monthly, but I would ask that the church grounds are accessed with respect and safety in mind.
Please do not bring dogs onto the playground or school grounds.
Please ensure your children do not play on the equipment in the playground before or after school. Unfortunately, we sometimes do have unsupervised children who play on the equipment and are injured. We would all like to avoid this happening.
Attendance - Link to letter from Assistant Director for Education Link
I am sharing this link again as a reminder from the Wirral Assistant Director of Education. In this information he outlines the importance of attendance to school and reminds parents about their responsibilities to ensure their child attends school. This is a national priority. Both schools and parents are under a duty to ensure good attendance at school. While our school has generally very good attendance I would urge you to read this letter, which includes information about an increase in fines.
Inset Days 2024-25
Monday 2nd September
Monday 6th January
Friday 23rd May
Monday 21st July
Tuesday 22nd July
Thank you for your continuing support,
Neil Le Feuvre