Welcome to St Bridget's C of E Primary School
School Vision Statement
Inspiring, nurturing and educating our children to serve God by reaching their full potential, serving our local community and by looking after our environment as global citizens of today and tomorrow.
School Mission Statement
'Love your neighbour as yourself.'
Luke 10:27
Dear Parents/Carers,
Last week year 5 led our Lent service beautifully, after which we all enjoyed meeting in the Community Centre for some treats. This week Mrs Champion has helped raise funds by collecting reusable clothes for Sammy’s Project. Thank you for your overwhelming support.
We also had the privilege of meeting Norma, former pupil of St. Bridget’s now aged 94, who shared her experiences of life in school with year 6. We heard about children having time off to help pick potatoes in the local farms, snow days and surviving in war time Britain. Norma claimed she was nervous but year 6 hung on her every word. She was amazing and we will share some clips closer to our Bicentennial Celebrations on Saturday 28th June.
Academy Consultation and Update
The Academy Consultation is closing soon. All of the questions asked in the meeting at St. Bridget’s and at the other schools involved have been emailed to you or are on the school website. In preparation for this there is a feedback form which can be used to provide further comments on the process. Link
Bicentennial Celebration (200 Year celebration) – Planting some trees
Today we planted the first tree for our Bicentennial. Next week we are aiming to plant the remaining trees. This involves digging and planting 13 more fruit trees. If you would like to help or are free next Wednesday (weather permitting) from about 1.30pm please contact the school office if you would like to help. Please bring a spade and wellies.
Former pupils - Can you help? Occasionally, I receive letters from past pupils who share their experience of being educated at St. Bridget’s.
My thanks to all of the parents (many new parents) who attended the PTA meeting last week. They are busy in the background supporting school with a number of events. The next event is the Easter Raffle. Link
Illness/Vomiting in School
Please remember that if your child is unwell and has been sick/vomiting they need to stay away from school for 48 hours. I know it can be tempting to bring your child back earlier but we have some children who have returned to school too soon. Sometimes we have to send them home again or they pass on their illness to other children. Please help all of us by following the guidance.
Upcoming dates
Parents Evening
Week beginning 24th March – sign up will be sent out two weeks before
Parent Book Look - Tuesday 1st April 3.30-4.30pm (Parents able to come in to school to see pupils’ work)
Sports Days
- Tuesday 3rd June Year 5/6 at 1.30pm
- Wednesday 4th June Year 1 and 2 at 1.30pm
- Thursday 5th June Year 3 and 4 at 1.30pm
- Friday 6th June Reception at 1.30pm
Polite reminders:
- We are limiting access to the school grounds at busy times in the morning. Only parents who have disabled badges will have access. I would ask that all other parents do not park outside of the school gates during these times unless there is an emergency.
- Reverend Alex has asked us to remind children not to walk or climb on grave stones in the churchyard. The whole area is checked monthly, but I would ask that the church grounds are accessed with respect and safety in mind.
- Please do not bring dogs onto the playground or school grounds.
- Please ensure your children do not play on the equipment in the playground before or after school. Unfortunately, we sometimes do have unsupervised children who play on the equipment and are injured. We would all like to avoid this happening.
Inset Days 2024-25
Monday 2nd September
Monday 6th January
Friday 23rd May
Monday 21st July
Tuesday 22nd July
Thank you for your continuing support,
Neil Le Feuvre