Welcome to St Bridget's C of E Primary School
School Vision Statement
Inspiring, nurturing and educating our children to serve God by reaching their full potential, serving our local community and by looking after our environment as global citizens of today and tomorrow.
School Mission Statement
'Love your neighbour as yourself.'
Luke 10:27
Dear Parents/Carers,
Last week we received a certificate which I have posted on the website showing that we raised just over £2908 for the Church Urban Fund (link) for the Sleepout Challenge that some staff completed before Christmas. Thank you for all of your support.
In the news section there are a number of articles that might be of interest to you which include an invite to Altogether Worship this Sunday. Also included are updates about Emotional Literacy, Scams/Fake News. Increasingly, children (particularly our older pupils) can access digital devices for education, socialising and play. As adults and educators our job is to regularly chat to our children about the risk of scams and false information. The clear message is don’t wait for the problem to arise. Some of these posters provide useful ways to talk about these issues.
Social Media change to Facebook
Last week I shared that we have started using our Facebook page again. The link is easily found on the front of our website. This was in response to the declining views and reach of X. Our social media hopefully provides some insights into school life and year groups generally post every two weeks or when there is something special happening in school.
Academy Consultation and Update
Thank you to the small number of parents that attended the Academy Consultation and for all of the questions that were raised. I think it was a productive evening in which we were able to share the information so far as well as raise concerns about how we maintain and protect all the good things about St. Bridget’s. The presentation is on the website along with frequently asked questions (link).
Bicentennial Celebration (200 Year celebration)
St. Bridget’s was opened as a school in 1825. The first school was attached to the back of the church and you can still see where the line of the school roof was joined to the church. In the Summer we intend to celebrate this on the same day as the Summer Fayre 28th June. We have already started the initial planning for this and closer to the time it would be good to have your support. Some initial ideas involve the following:
- The PTA are helping to design celebratory mugs and more.
- In the school hall there will be an exhibition of the school history.
- There will be school tours for former pupils held in the afternoon.
- In school we are thinking about creating a time capsule, a celebration picnic, children creating their own t-shirts to celebrate 200 years.
Former pupils - Can you help? Occasionally, I receive letters from past pupils who share their experience of being educated at St. Bridget’s. My last letter was from a former pupil who is 92 and lives in Southampton and it was great to read. If you know of any former pupils who have something of interest to share with us for our celebrations please ask them to get in touch or share with them the date of our bicentennial.
My thanks to all of the parents (many new parents) who attended the PTA meeting earlier this week. It was a really productive meeting and we appreciate their support as we enter our Bi-Centennial year. All parents warmly welcomed to join in the work of the PTA.
Upcoming dates
Parents Evening
Week beginning 24th March – sign up will be sent out two weeks before
Parent Book Look - Tuesday 1st April 3.30-4.30pm (Parents able to come in to school to see pupils’ work)
Sports Days
- Tuesday 3rd June Year 5/6 at 1.30pm
- Wednesday 4th June Year 1 and 2 at 1.30pm
- Thursday 5th June Year 3 and 4 at 1.30pm
- Friday 6th June Reception at 1.30pm
Polite reminders:
- We are limiting access to the school grounds at busy times in the morning to only parents who have disabled badges. I would ask that all other parents do not park outside of the school gates during these times unless there is an emergency.
- Reverend Alex has asked us to remind children not to walk or climb on grave stones in the churchyard. The whole area is checked monthly, but I would ask that the church grounds are accessed with respect and safety in mind.
- Please do not bring dogs onto the playground or school grounds.
- Please ensure your children do not play on the equipment in the playground before or after school. Unfortunately, we sometimes do have unsupervised children who play on the equipment and are injured. We would all like to avoid this happening.
Inset Days 2024-25
Monday 2nd September
Monday 6th January
Friday 23rd May
Monday 21st July
Tuesday 22nd July
Thank you for your continuing support,
Neil Le Feuvre